报告题目:Heavy is the Head Who is Middle-Aged? The Curvilinear Relationship between Age and Tolerance of Workplace Exploitation
The slowdown of global economy led to a surge in explorative management practices, which results in heightened challenges for employees in both the work and family domains. Drawing upon power dependence theory and the lifespan perspective, we theorize that age has a non-linear effect on employee outcomes through tolerance of exploitation. Furthermore, the inverted U-shaped relationship between age and tolerance of exploitation is more pronounced in employees who are highly family-motivated and have lower external employability. To test our hypothesis, we conducted two studies: a survey-based field study in Hong Kong (Study 1) and a scenario-based experiment in Mainland China (Study 2). Overall, the results largely support our theoretical model. These findings have implications for research on aging, organizational exploitation, and power dependence theory.
香港科技大学博士,同济大学管理高等研究院教授。2020-2023入选爱思唯尔工商管理领域“中国被高引学者”。目前担任Management and Organization Review资深编辑,《管理学季刊》编委、候任联席主编。研究兴趣为员工主动性行为、领导行为、零工经济、企业伦理等。近年来,已经在包括Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Management and Organization Review等期刊发表多篇论文。曾获得美国管理学会(AOM)具有国际意义的最佳论文奖(2013),《心理学报》年度优秀论文奖(2015),教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(2015),Emerald优秀论文引用奖(2015),蒋一苇企业改革与发展学术基金管理学学术研究奖(2018),MOR-RRBM最佳论文奖(2023)。