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【讲座通知】10月5日、6日肯特州立大学Jose Benitez教授讲座通知

来源:科研学科办公室 作者:姜娜 发布时间:2024-09-29 10:46:03 点击数:




题目:How to work and develop impactful research? My research interests, ingredients, and an illustration


In this talk, I aim to present my primary and secondary research interests with an illustration of a paper already published per area. This will enable scholars and students, potentially interested, to see opportunities for future joint research. After that, I will present some of the ingredients a high-quality research project should aim to have according to current expectations from top-tier journals in Information Systems and other Business Administration disciplines. I will conclude by presenting a work-in-progress paper in an advanced round of review in a top-tier journal.




题目:Environmental turbulence and firm performance: The role of the interplay between IT strategies for revenue growth and cost reduction


The increasing environmental turbulence, i.e., technological breakthroughs, and volatile consumer demand, has progressively shifted the focus of IS scholars and IT practitioners toward the development of IT strategies for revenue growth. While prior studies argue that environmental turbulence may provide new opportunities for firms to grow, many firms fail to make the necessary commitment to thrive in turbulent environments and realize performance gains. We examine, theorize, and test how firms depict their IT strategies in turbulent environments. To do so, we focus on IT strategy for revenue growth, IT strategy for cost reduction, and dual IT strategy as the three main strategic objectives the firm chooses to prioritize in its IT strategy. Using a well-established research design that combines matchedpaired survey data and secondary data from 224 British firms, we find that firms respond to environmental turbulence by designing IT strategies for revenue growth, which in turn improves market-based performance since such activities may involve reconfiguration and restructuring of existing business processes. Our results also suggest that IT strategy for cost reduction improves profitability, providing the short-term resources to execute IT strategies for revenue growth and improve market value. This paper contributes to IT strategy literature by providing theory-driven and empirically proven explanations of the role of environmental turbulence as an antecedent of IT strategies and its potential to generate performance outcomes in both the short and long term.


Jose Benitez,美国肯特州立大学(Kent State University)信息系统与商业分析系教授。Jose Benitez教授的研究兴趣包括数字业务转型、数字创新、数字工作场所、IT管理、IT战略、IT和可持续发展。在信息系统领域顶级期刊上发表多篇研究成果,包括MIS QuarterlyInformation Systems ResearchJournal of Operations ManagementJournal of Management Information SystemsJournal of the Association for Information SystemsEuropean Journal of Information Systems等。目前担任European Journal of Information Systems, Decision Support SystemsInformation & Management的高级主编(Senior Editor),担任Journal of the Association for Information Systems的副主编(Associate Editor)。