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【讲座通知】10月17日法国ESSEC商学院Frank Chan教授讲座通知

来源:科研学科办公室 作者:姜娜 发布时间:2024-10-14 09:58:20 点击数:


报告地点:Zoom会议(会议号996 3053 9075


报告题目:Digitalization initiatives and job performance: The roles of guanxi and advice networks in the Chinese workplace


This paper examines the roles of guanxi and advice networks in facilitating information systems (IS) implementation fueled by digitalization initiatives in the Chinese workplace. Adopting the context theorizing approach, we extend prior social network research on IS implementation by incorporating guanxi—a distinctive form of interpersonal relationships that have long been present in the Chinese society—as a contextual factor that influences job performance in the Chinese workplace. We overlay guanxi with advice ties to develop a nuanced understanding of how they shape an employee’s job performance in the context of a new IS implementation. We tested our model with a three-wave data collection from 145 users of a newly implemented enterprise system in a manufacturing company in China. Data analysis showed that guanxi has a stronger effect on job performance compared to advice ties. Furthermore, employees are more likely to achieve better job performance when they leverage the synergy between guanxi and advice ties, or when they seek help from coworkers with whom they share guanxi relationships to resolve work-related problems. We also conducted a qualitative study that enriches the overall investigation of the proposed relationships by illuminating the underlying mechanisms driving the influence of guanxi on job performance. Collectively, our findings shed light on the roles of guanxi and advice ties in shaping the success of digitalization initiatives in the Chinese workplace.


Frank Chan教授是法国ESSEC商学院信息系统教授,信息系统、数据分析及运营系系主任,毕业于香港科技大学。他的研究兴趣包括电子政务和技术实施。他的研究成果发表在信息系统、运营管理和公共管理领域的顶级期刊上,包括《MIS Quarterly》、《Information Systems Research》、《Journal of the Association for Information Systems》、《Information Systems Journal》、《Journal of Operations Management》、《Journal of Business Ethics》和《Public Administration Review》。目前,他担任《Information Systems Journal》的高级编辑。他还曾担任联合国亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会顾问,负责数字化税务管理项目。